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Samba banc: contact telephone Mike Cox: +44 (0)7815 914776
e-mail: xrdrummersoxford@lists.riseup.net - (list is moderated

Samba Band Oxford

Rehearsals and Resources

drumming files from 1st rehearsal session taught by Tobias

1. Introduction to Hedgehog
2. 1st Drum
3. Timbas
4. Agogo
5. Surdos
6. Break 1 - all stop drumming for a 4 beat bar
7. Break 2 - all stop drumming for a 4 beat bar except for one chosen instrument
8. All - 4 minutes

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Samba admin: Mike Cox: +44 (0)7815 914776 - -xrdrummersoxford@lists.riseup.net - (list is mod

[Home Page Programme [Songs [Performances [Links]