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Sea Green Singers - Rechten Van de Mens - Lied - freedom in 20 languages - Lyrics and score. 1-page score, 2-page score: Page 1/2, Page 2/2. 3-page score : Page 1/3, Page 2/3, Page 3/3 . For enlarged image click on the image

English pronunciation then Dutch pronunciation if different
Fryhet - Frihet - Danish
Bolsomi - Zaire
Freedom - English
Svoboda - Russian
:Liberta - Italian
Vrayhate - Vrijheid - Holland
Liberte - France
Dziwoe - Giwu - Japanese
Bebas - Indonesian
Libertas - Latin

Fryhight - Freiheit - German
Wapoze - Vapaus - Finnish
Fridom - Norway
Szabadfag - Hungary
Briviba - Lithuanian
Zayoe - Jayoo - Korean
Libertad - Spanish
Frelsi - Iceland
Volnasch - Wolnosc - Polish
Sloboda - Serbo-Croat